Friday, 21 February 2025

BMW S1000R bed the tyres in / Lake District rideout 240 miles

the first decent chance to rideout in 2025

tyres still new (from last years service) and needed run in
have the paragon 6 heated gloves (as it was still only around 6 deg C)

240 miles
consisting of

100 miles motorway (to BP meet point and back)
140 miles round the north lakes back roads

overall route around the lakes

end mileage , almost at 20k!


Cafe stop , was closing time and very chilly.

Woodies cafe

Costa @ Southlakeland retail park

usual meet point with the Preston lads BP garage

starting mileage 

1 comment:

95 GTS said...

nice, brave man (men) for going out in that weather