Friday, 27 May 2011

Samsung galaxy s2 battery life

Stats with 30% battery life still remaining on ke7 firmware using launcher pro

Monday, 23 May 2011

firmware update KE2 to KE7 Samsung Galaxy S2 i9100

no sooner have I just updated to KE2 than KE7 is released!
Crikey talk about a turnaround at Samsung, frequent firmware updates abound lol.
no idea what the changelog is but I flashed anyway (using Kies)


from THIS LINK the changes appear to be

Samsung Apps has been updated
Picture in the Background Effect Menu has been changed
Battery Life seems to have been improved
More free RAM on start-up
Camera has been updated-The pink spot problem has been fixed, better image quality and improved zoom panel

Friday, 20 May 2011

Samsung galaxy s2 i9100 battery life update

19hrs with 50% barry life still left!

50,000 miles in golf gti edition 30

Oh how the miles creep up....

which is exactly

1298 days or
112,147,200 seconds or
1,869,120 minutes or
31,152 hours or
185 weeks

from the day we picked her up on 30th October 2007.

which is an average of 38.52 miles/day or 270 miles/week

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Monday, 16 May 2011

Hspda galaxy s2

Just happened to try a speedtest on the s2 whilst at a pubic location, needless to say I was shocked at the data rate!

Test Date: May 12, 2011 10:25:00 am
Connection Type: Hsdpa
Server: Manchester
Download: 3373 kbps
Upload: 1577 kbps
Ping: 118 ms

Ookla operates

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Samsung galaxy s2 i9100 battery life

Last set of stats after the firmware update. Still surprises me just how long this phone lasts given its spec.
General use with wifi at home and gsm all other times.

Hspda is also incredible.

Galaxy S2 firmware upgrade / screenshots / battery life

I wanted to take screenshots with the Galaxy S2...... previously (with Nexus One that was with a USB cable and starting ddms.bat (im in windows 7). This time around plugged in s2 via usb and it defaults to 'Kies' connection. To get around that you need to enable the usb debugging option BEFORE connecting cable, anyway it still wont work as you wont have a compatible USB driver. So you first need to install Kies (as a minimum to get the USB drivers, or you may want to actually try it)
Kies download site

at this point I thought Id try it and it seems to work ok.
It mentioned a firmware upgrade

, so hell why not.........all went well until the final step (of copying update to phone) when it failed due to an uninstalled driver!
phone with green android fella saying 'Dont disconnect client' but it had failed!!!! genuinely thought wtf Ive just bricked my new phone .....
disconnected cable but screen remained.
Kies then indicates you can do an emergency firmware recovery, although to my mind this seemed a little excessive and i didnt want to loose everything.
So i removed the battery and just restarted the phone, thankfully it just started up .......PHEW

(at this point the failed driver now pops up to tell me its installed ok FFS!)

undeterred (and on the basis it seemed to have failed for an obvious reason) I tried again, eh voila worked this time.......

Improvements ? no idea , the only things Ive seen so far are

a) improved battery life ! crikey I was already impressed before but now it seems even better, easily a full day with 'use'
b) battery stats now seem to report correctly for each process , before they didnt seem to record half the stuff that id used.

Anyway that was me side tracked from my intial reason for downloading Kies!
As it turns out on my web travels (for other info) I found some S2 tips and tricks, the best one .........

Galaxy S2 can take screen shots on the standard firmware without root.
Just hold 'home' and quickly press camera button, eh voila job done. Even sticks the photos in their own gallery, SUPERB well done Samsung.

The general quality, lack of bugs etc shows that Samsung has certainly moved on from the i7500 days, by no means perfect but a LOT better.

Loving the phone so far, albeit that its already superceeded by an NFC version soon to be released , THANKS SAMSUNG!

Enjoy some links below


one click root

Firmware download links



custom fonts

swype tips

UPDATE : It seems that if you are on Orange UK handset then DO NOT UPDATE for now!

BMW blog s1000rr sportsbike review

great review , I could almost feel it, I SO WANT THIS BIKE NOW lol

BMW blog s1000rr sportsbike review

Monday, 9 May 2011

Monday, 2 May 2011

Samsung galaxy battery life continued

Seems pretty good to me.
Yesterday was 25 hrs with 30% remaining, albeit mostly spent hooked up to wifi as opposed to cell network. Still pretty impressive and probably about the same as my old nexus one.

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Golf GTI and Seat Ibiza both get serviced

its been a busy time for car servicing!

first off we had the Golf GTI minor service @ 49166 miles for the fixed price of £129.
Went again with Gilbert Lawton Manchester (original supplying dealer) and spent the day shopping with the family whilst it was being done.

Tried out a mk6 diesel courtesy car which wasnt too bad.
They did however have a lovely R Line Tiguan......but its a lot of dough £26k!
so not going to happen.
Also liked a Mk6 GTD 5 door, sadly the salesman was clearly disinterested and lacking any skills, very poor, so i gave up!

However the service went well and the service staff were great as usual.

and also

Seat Ibiza 1.4 Sport 2nd service @ 12727miles £159 which includes a free code to extend the AA recovery for a further year FOC.

samsung galaxy s2 battery life

Samsung galaxy s2 update

1. battery lasting around 15hrs with lots of playing and around 2hrs of nav use.
2. First bug appears to be the battery usage stats which just appear to be nonsense! Google nav use reported as co pilot ffs.
3. Big screen great for my 'old' eyes lol

found another useful app too

Elixir for Android on AppBrain

Of note AppBrain and Market both keep a note of the phone you sync with so I now have 2 profiles (1 for a Nexus One and 1 for the Galaxy S2)

also found out that my wife doesnt get 3G because she has an old SIM (no 3G in the SIM number), so that needs replaced before she can get decent data transfer for her Galaxy S

I have also found the merge duplicates feature of gmail contacts (on web) to be invaluable.

Cool 911 turbo on dymags and sport cups...

BMW M3 E46 M3 Touring that was never production built...

had a M3 coupe for years, surfed forums and yet never knew this ever existed...

BMW M3 E46 M3 Touring article on

image it with CSL wheels and a supercharger....

in fact a google search revealed someone did actually build one similar...

330ci M3 engine transplant