Bike is booked in for 4k service , fit bike design crash bungs , replace rhs indicator and replace both tyres.
Rear tyre Bridgestone BT014R def needs replaced , front is fine , but Im just getting both replaced as a matched set , being replaced with Metzler tyres which came 3rd in a recent MCN roadtest.
I also requested a test ride on a demo fireblade :-)
Would love to upgrade , however I dont think they look as sexy as the blue of the 600RR (the 'blade is blue/silver mix) , insurance is also a big issue.
Maybe wait til my experience and new colours for 2006 1000RR
Will post up my experience , cant wait to see exactly how different a litre bike is to the 600cc.............
Car wise the Micro RoadPilot no longer gets a GPS lock , I suspect the antenna has a broken wire (from me messing about with it whilst fitting the first time) , so I need to test on my dads car harness then order a new harness if thats the problem ...pah 89 quid....
On a plus note I finally managed to download the beta HP drivers which should hopefully mean my PSC1350 now works with Win XP Pro x64.
Hi, could you send me the address to download the beta drivers to the HP PSC 1350 (x64) please ?
Thank you,
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