Scarcely true but I got the car with 10200 miles and now I'm at 14200 miles +
First pic are the wheels I plan to get lol [BBS CH]
Second pic is my car on Sunday after a quick wash
Third is the clocks showing 14k miles
Fourth is the MINI , its last clean on the day it went in to be traded for the M3.
Car running well , but will go into dealer to check out the xenons flickering (and the LHS has in fact gone out at times), apparently some cars have a dodgy control box. Also get the 'autolock' feature enabled.
'Clunk' when engaging gear sometimes will also be looked at (apparently this is an M3 trait!) , can drive around it but its annoying all the same.
Head unit has been replaced with a kenwood one that allows control of my ipod.
[superb service supplied by mikey @ newministuff aka formby car electrical]
All in all the M3 experience is superb so far. Car is deceptively fast and very easy to drive for a 300+bhp rwd car. Averages 29 MPG at 87 mph (clocks) (82 mph by GPS) which is astonishing for a car of this type. Only ever run it on Optimax or Ultimate so far.
more when I remember