
Sunday, 11 November 2007

first Edition 30 mpg / no plate holes filled

Pic 1 = first fill up of fuel while running in
Pic 2 = front number plate plinths filled in by some of B&Q's finest grommets

230 miles / 23 MPG average , car now at a total of 400 miles (did lots of miles today after taking the pic!)

So far no oil used at all

Car running great and already freeing up nicely , still a bit of a dodgy feel while taking up drive on the clutch , so we will see how that goes.
Funny , but sounds like a diesel/petrol hybrid when idleing (my old high lift cammed 1380 mini was quieter!) , but apparently many are like that.
As soon as you take the revs above idle it sounds sweet as a nut.

Car run great on a trip to Southport and back. Ride the wave of torque ;-)

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