
How I became a programmer and why it may have been the wrong choice blog post

great blog post

which contains this ...

with alt text

"In Connors second thesis it is stated;
There is no fate but what we make for ourselves;  
Does the routine destroy our creativity or do we lose creativity and fall into the routine?  Anyway, whos up for a road trip!"

Monday, 7 November 2011

MOT passed!

broken indicator needed replaced
xenon auto adjustment failed due to broken wire in headlamp loom!

Samsung Galaxy S [i9000] [HOWTO] get a gps lock xda-developers

wifes Galaxy S was unwilling to get a GPS lock before xmas 2018, so a quick forum check finds out how to fix it, eh voila, fixed.....

[i9000 and i9003] [HOWTO] get a gps lock! :) - xda-developers:


Method One – Most Successful , quickest GPS lock
Disable ‘Use Wireless Networks’ under Settings —> Location and Security.
Go into LbsTestMode (*#*#3214789650#*#*) or (use the shortcut method)
Go to Application Settings
Enable MS-Based Mode(in operation mode )
Increase Accuracy to 100
Leave the rest stock
Return to the main LbsTestMode menu
Go to SUPL/CP Settings
Select the Serve FQDN Type drop down menu
Hit AUTO Config
Exit to the dialer and reboot your device twice for good measure.