
Monday, 20 June 2011

Thursday, 16 June 2011


paste into chrome browser , eh voila lots of cool and useful tools


Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Professor Jim Al-Khalili meets ... Brian Cox

some people whos opinions I greatly respect....

Professor Jim Al-Khalili hosts a series of 'an audience with' interviews at the University of Surrey. heres just 2

ALapRecorder : no HD video on Galaxy S 2 i9100

great app but alas you need to select 400 as the resolution for playback to be correct. HD just doesnt show correctly.
Developer is very helpful and Im sure will find a solution in due course. See link below
Adyno Support Forum link

Samsung galaxy s2 battery life i9100

Still fantastic on ke7, although I have noted some odd reporting for gps items again, where copilot shows up but I've never ran it.
Wifi sharing is also something that drains battery but I don't need.